Fudoshin Jissen Karate-Do

Honbu Dojo, Unit 3, 80 Glasgow Road, Denny, Stirlingshire, FK6 5DN.

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Tel: 07729922251

Grading Success June 2022

Congratulations to all our members who sat this weekends belt grading. Grading days for some can be quite testing mentally, emotionally, and physically and this is no mistake they are made this way by design.

People train in martial arts for many reasons, fitness, self-protection, socialising and the list goes on. The one thing that is common through every martial art not just Karate is there is a character development element. Growth in this area will only happen during moments of discomfort when you are truly being tested, don’t get me wrong it doesn’t need to be extreme but just enough outside your personal comfort zone to feel a certain level of anxiety and fear.

If you can accept that the feeling of discomfort is transient and that there will be growth at the other side, then you are on a great path and this “life skill” will serve you forever throughout your academic and professional life. THIS! Is the reason we do gradings (and competitions).

Once again, a HUGE congratulations to those who embraced their nerves and fears yesterday and battled through the event and gained their next belt along their Karate journey.

Proud Coach today….

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