Fudoshin Jissen Karate-Do

Honbu Dojo, Unit 3, 80 Glasgow Road, Denny, Stirlingshire, FK6 5DN.

Book a FREE Trial Lesson

Tel: 07729922251

Keeping With “Tradition”

As much as we spend a large amount of our time focused on the modern sport karate competitions and the valuable lessons which can be learned for students through the exposure to the difficulties and stresses of competition day we have very strong roots in traditional pragmatic karate with a direct link to self protection.

It is imperative that our instructors and senior members never lose sight of these roots as we continue to learn and develop modern training methods but in keeping with the “traditions” of old.

www.iainabernethy.com has been an invaluable influence in our direction for many years and continues to influence our curriculum to this day and when the opportunity arises to train and touch base with him it is always worth while.